Friday, October 30, 2015

Feynman Diagrams in Tikz

There is a package for making Feynman diagrams in LaTeX. Unfortunately, it is old and dvi latex only. If you are using pdflatex or lualatex, as you should be, it does not work. Even in regular LaTeX, it's a bit of a pain. Why is there not a new package for pdflatex? Turns out, you don't need one. Due to the powerful drawing library Tikz, you can create any diagram easily, and can customize it completely. For example:

Monday, October 19, 2015

Including CRY cosmic ray generator in CMake

I realized that CRY did not have a CMake based install option, so including it in a GEANT4 cmake project might not be obvious. This is how you would do it in your CMakeLists.txt:

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

GTest Submodule

Note: There is a better way to do this described here.

If you've ever tried apt-get or brew to try to install gtest, you arer probably familiar with the fact that gtest is not "recommend" for global install on your system. As an alternitive, the recommendation is that you make it part of your project. The process for making gtest part of your project, however, is not well documented, at least for modern git projects. What follows is the procedure I used to do so.