Thursday, December 15, 2016

Setting up environment modules

Note: please use Lmod instead. It is a newer project that is backward compatible, but also makes some nice improvements. It is used on many supercomputer systems. See my next article.

The environment modules project is an ideal way to set up (albeit mostly manually) your environment for multiple packages. This is a quick guide on setting it up.
First, install the environment-modules (CentOS) package with yum. You’ll also need to initialize it in the bashrc file, I chose to add source /usr/share/Modules/init/bash (and optionally bash_completion) to /etc/bashrc instead of running /usr/share/Modules/bin/add.modules, but if you only want it locally, that’s also an option.
To set up a module file, you want something like this, for example /usr/share/Modules/modulefiles/cuda/8.0:
proc ModulesHelp { } {
        global version prefix name
        puts stderr "$name/$version - loads the environment for $name, in $prefix"

set     name      cuda
set     version   8.0

module-whatis   "loads the $name environment"

set prefix /usr/local/cuda-$version

prepend-path     LD_LIBRARY_PATH     $prefix/lib64
prepend-path     PATH                $prefix/bin
You can generate the meat of this file by doing, for example for ROOT:
/usr/share/Modules/bin/ /opt/root-6.08.02/bin/ > /usr/share/Modules/modulefiles/root/6.08.02
You can remove most or all the default modules - and yes you’ll need to make modules for each package. The “spider” search does not seem to be in the standard modules package.
Note: I used to generate the this page.

Friday, March 25, 2016

GoogleTest and CMake

This is a quick recipe for setting up CMake to use googletest in your projects. First, make a tests folder in the root of your project. Then, add add_subdirectory(tests) to your CMakeLists.txt, after you've finished adding the libraries in your project. Note that the way I've written this probably requires CMake 3.4+.

The CMakeLists.txt file in tests should look like this:

find_package(Threads REQUIRED)

This adds the Threads::Threads target that we can link to, to enable the threading support that GTest requires. On some systems, it is important to use the -pthread flag, so this does that if necessary.


    URL_MD5 2d6ec8ccdf5c46b05ba54a9fd1d130d7

ExternalProject_Get_Property(gtest source_dir binary_dir)

We have to add an external property, to get CMake to download and build GTest for us. We also need to get the source directory and binary directory for use in linking.

add_library(libgtest INTERFACE)
add_dependencies(libgtest gtest)
    INTERFACE Threads::Threads
target_include_directories(libgtest INTERFACE "${source_dir}/include")

Hopefully these lines are familiar to you; they are setting up a special target that we aren't "building", but are using. The target libgtest is simply an interface (no building), and is dependent on gtest (That has to be built first). The link and include commands set up the dependencies so that future target_link_libraries commands only need this target, and will inherit everything else!


This prepares CTest to handle the tests. You can either run the binaries, or use "make test" to run the tests through CTest's runner program.

file(GLOB test_cases *.cpp)

Or however you want to collect your test cases.

foreach(case_file ${test_cases})
    get_filename_component( case_name ${case_file} NAME_WE )
    set (case_name test_${case_name})
    add_executable(${case_name} ${case_file})
    target_link_libraries(${case_name} libgtest MyLibrary)
    add_test(NAME ${case_name}


Here, we make the tests, doing two things. Setting up the CTest integration is the bulk of the commands above; the main command is the target_link_libraries, which should have your library target (MyLibrary in this example) and the libgtest target. That gets all the includes and links (and defs, if you have those) set on the test targets. That's it!